StarDrive Wiki

Traits are bonuses applied to your race throughout the game, and reflect unique characteristics and qualities of your race. Traits are picked on the game setup screen before starting a game. Each race has pre-set default traits, but you may pick your own traits to customize the way you wish to play. Positive traits give you an advantage while negative traits apply a disadvantage. Each race starts with 8 points to spend on traits; picking positive traits costs points while picking negative traits give you extra points to spend on more positive traits.



Name Description Effect Cost
Alluring Alluring races gain a +20 (out of 100) starting relationship with other races due to their majestic and charismatic natures. (+20)
Diplomacy Modifier.
Eagle-Eyed Incredible eyesight gives pilots from this race a 20% gunnery bonus to damage inflicted from projectiles. (+.20)
Cannon Damage Modifier.
Efficient Metabolism Races with highly efficient metabolisms require 25% less food each turn. (-.25)
Consumption Modifier.
Fertile Promiscuous natures, short gestation periods, and large litter sizes increases a races reproduction significantly. Minimum population growth is 1% per turn. (.01)
Minimum Population Growth
Reflexes Ultra-fast reflexes grant fighter pilots from this race a 25% bonus chance to dodge projectiles that otherwise would be hits. (+.25)
Dodge Modifier.
Savage Savage races gain a +30% bonus in ground combat due to a ferocious temperament and various lethal physical characteristics. (+.30)
Ground Combat Modifier.
Smart Intelligent races gain a 35% bonus to research efforts. (+.35)
Research Modifier.


Name Description                                                                       Effect                    Cost    
Blind Races that evolve weak optical sensory organs suffer a penalty in space combat, causing projectiles to miss 10% of the time (-.20)
Cannon Damage
Dumb Dumb races suffer a 35% penalty to research efforts due to their slow grasp of complex ideas (-.35)
Research Modifier
Gluttonous Gluttonous Races will gorge themselves at every opportunity, eating 25% more food every turn (+.25)
Consumption Modifer
Less Fertile Longer gestation periods and smaller family sizes lead to lower reproduction rates

Max Population Growth

Ponderous Races with ponderous and deliberate natures make terrible fighter pilots. As a result, their fighters take 25% more damage then normal

Dodge Modifier

Repulsive Offensive smells and revolting countenances earn repulsive races a -20 penalty (out of 100) to initial relationships with other races (-20)
Diplomacy Modifier
Timid Timid races are instinctively terrified of combat and suffer a 30% penalty to ground combat (-.30)
Ground Combat Modifier



Name Description                                                            Effect                    Cost
Efficient Efficent races earn a 25% reduction on ship and building maintenance costs due to their conservative and intelligent use of resources. (-.25)
Maintenance Modifier
Industrious Industrious races enjoy a 35% bonus to Production efforts due to their tireless and efficient natures. (+.35)
Production Modifier
Mercantile Mercantile races are natural traders, and gain .5 Credits for each unit of food or production moved via freighter within the empire. (+.5)
Meticulous Meticulous races honor actuarial professions, earning 25% bonus to tax income for their attention to details. (+.25)
Tax Modifier
Skilled Engineers Races with a natural engineering inclination build studier ship components, resulting in a 20% overall increase to module hit points. (+.20)
Module HP Modifier


Name     Description                     Effect                      Cost
Corrupt Races with strong tradition of political corruption have a 25% corruption penalty to tax income. (-.25)
Tax Modifier
Haphazard Engineers Races who follow haphazard ships construction techniques have shoddier equipment overall, earning a 20% penalty to module hit points. (-.20)
HP Modifier
Lazy Lazy races just dont like to work, and as a result suffer a 35% penalty to production efforts. (-.35)
Production Modifier
Wasteful Wasteful races lead lives of excess and care little for concepts like recycling or austerity. Ship building maintenance cost 25% more. (+.25)
Maintenance Modifier

History and tradition[]


Name Description                                                           Effect Cost

Races that have extensively studied the stars start the game with the closest 20 star systems fully explored.

But it can see planet's name & traits only. so you can't find drones without your ship.

Begin Game With 20 Star Systems Explored 2
Cybernetic Cybernetic races have inorganic bodies and do not eat food, instead eating production. Do Not Require Food 8
Duplicitous Duplicitous races are natural deceivers. (+10)
To All Agent Rolls.
Huge Homeworld The racial homeworld is much larger than the average planet, allowing 25% more population maximum (+.25)
Home World Max Population
Manifest Destiny Races possessing a pioneering spirit believe that their destiny lies out among the stars. As a result, your passenger transports carry three times as many colonists to new planets. (x3)
Colonist Freighters
Militaristic Races with strong military traditions are prepped and ready to meet alien threats. As a result, they begin the game with the Military Outpost and Corvette Hull technologies. Begin game with:
Military Outpost
Armor Theory
Corvette Hull
Naval Tradition Races with strong naval traditions gain a 35% reduction to ship building costs due to having well developed economic practices concerning ship construction. (-.35)
Ship Cost Modifier
Pack Mentality Races with a pack mentality receive a 25% damage penalty to all ship weapons. They receive a 5% bonus to damage, up to 50%, for each nearby ship.

Damage Penalty, But Gain:

Damage For Every Nearby Friendly Ship Up To A Maximum Of (.50).

Prototype Flagship Begin the game with an advanced prototype flagship equipped with technologies that otherwise would not be available at the game's start. Begin Game With One Advanced Prototype Flagship 1
Spiritual Spiritual races are ritualistic and religious. They gain a 50% bonus to all effect received from artifacts. (+.50)
Artifact Effects


Name Description Effect Cost
Honest Honest races do not understand the concept of secrets. (-10)
to all agent rolls.
Polluted Homeworld Races that have been foolish enough to heavily pollute their own homeworld have a -.5 Fertility penalty on their homeworld, making quick colonization a top priority. (-.5)
Home World Fertility Modifier
Small Homeworld The racial homeworld is much smaller than the average planet, allowing 25% less population maximum. (-.25)
Home World Max Population